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Desert Lifestyle Tucson

Project team

  • Jana Segal-Stormont, project lead
  • Kevin W, designer and developer


We’re creating a website that shares the joys of living in Tucson and how to acclimate and thrive in our desert town. We also want to brand Tucson as an innovative, sustainable community that is a model of desert-adaptive living and a hub for ecotourism.

Tucson is in the midst of a severe drought. Our main source of water, the Colorado River, is diminishing as more states experience drought due to climate change and population growth. The problem is exacerbated by our current housing boom. New residents from non-arid states bring with them landscaping and gardening practices that aren’t sustainable in our desert town. Fortunately, long-time Tucsonans excel at water conservation and there is a growing movement towards rainwater harvesting, low-water desert gardening, and native landscaping. But many people, particularly newcomers, aren’t aware of these opportunities. We want to change that through this website.

What we have to far

A content plan

A website in progress

  • [link coming soon]

How you can help

We need people to help us scan websites for more information, create content for the website, and market the website and content appropriately. For example:

  • Marketers
  • Researchers
  • Writers
  • Sustainability experts

To get involved, join the #green-welcome-package channel on Slack or send an email to Jana (janasegal@aol.com).